Educate, Inspire, Transform: Meghan Francis for Colville Business Council.

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As a leader for our tribe, I stand committed to enacting Legislation and Policy Initiatives that uphold our values and traditions, ensuring a future where Education and Empowerment are accessible to all.

Advocating for rights and respecting tribal sovereignty are key parts of my mission. I will represent our community with empathy, ethics, and responsibility to make sure our voices are heard through diplomatic efforts.

Together, we will navigate challenges and opportunities, fostering a future that honors our past while embracing growth and progress for generations to come.

Learn about my work >

What we can do
and do well)

In safeguarding our natural resources, preserving the wisdom of Indian medicine, and nurturing our mental health wellbeing, we honor our heritage and fortify our future.

By cherishing the land, waters, and forests that sustain us, embracing the healing traditions of our ancestors, and prioritizing the mental wellness of our community, we embody resilience and harmony.

Let us cultivate a legacy that treasures our natural world, values the power of traditional medicine, and ensures the holistic well-being of our tribe for generations to come.

Meghan for CBC


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Educate, Inspire, Transform:

L- Legislation and Policy Initiatives  
E- Education and Empowerment  
A- Advocacy for Rights  
D- Diplomatic Engagement  
E- Empathy and Ethics  
R- Responsibility and Representation

Vote for Meghan


Meghan for Council

Vote for Meghan ✴︎ Meghan for Council